The YSS Strategy is a dynamic document that is constantly under review. This strategy is evaluated and reviewed on a yearly basis in accordance with the needs identified in our local communities. Our current strategy for 2021 – 2026 is created around our theory of change to support a society where people are resilient, can thrive, and belong in their local community. We, as an organisation, are here to enable them to overcome obstacles, and build the resilience necessary so they can achieve their full potential.

YSS has a board of Trustees. Below is our cycle of strategy review which is informed by a range of stakeholders: staff, volunteers, external agencies, and service users.
Our strategy is formed around four core principles:
- Build trusting relationships
- Share power in decision-making
- Collaborative approaches
- Strong and dynamic governance

Theory of change (our Theory of change)
In 2021, we developed our theory of change. Our purpose is to support people so they can develop their resilience. We believe that the long impact of our activities will include a reduction in access to intensive and crisis services such as those of the police, prisons, social services, health care, and emergency services.