Help us to transform people’s lives by remembering YSS in your will
A legacy, no matter how great or small, is an amazing way to support YSS’s work long into the future.
Unrestricted gifts are the most valuable to us, as the funds can be used where they are most needed. But, of course, you can stipulate the particular area of our work you would like to support should you so wish.
“We have been donating to YSS for about two years, and during that time we have really begun to get to know some of the staff and Young Carers. Our experience has been very fulfilling, meeting our wish to help local disadvantaged young people. We have decided to make provision in our Wills to help this excellent work continue, which is only made possible through donations from members of the public and other organisations.”

Use Free Wills
Are you looking for a free and easy way to make your will? You can use Free Wills today. Free Wills can help you complete your will in ten minutes, online and without solicitors.
Just visit their page and fill in the details required.
Do you appreciate the work we do for young people, adults and families in our local communities? Include us in your will. Your contribution can be key for the people we support.