YSS’ Orange Button Wearer
We are extremely excited that our Remember Veterans link worker has officially joined the community of orange button wearers. The scheme’s aim is to create a community of people trained in suicide awareness who have gained skills from quality assured training.
Our Remember Veteran worker joined the orange button community
We are extremely excited that our Remember Veterans link worker has officially joined the community of orange button wearers. The scheme’s aim is to create a community of people trained in suicide awareness who have gained skills from quality assured training.
The reason Lisa decided to do the course was because she recognised the importance of the Orange Button Scheme. She had the opportunity in the past to complete a 2-day Suicide prevention course with ASIST, which enabled her to apply for the Orange Button training.
The Orange Button Scheme is a way of identifying people who have undertaken suicide prevention training and visibly showing it to people who might need it. Through the training, the orange button wearers will have the confidence to talk to people about suicide prevention and signpost them to the support necessary. The hope is to form a non judgmental community that can tackle stigma, provide a listening ear and give support and signposting.
I would like to thank Worcestershire Suicide Prevention Team for giving me the opportunity to attend a 2 day ASIST course which has enabled me to be a proud Orange Button wearer.
I have the tools to listen, support & signpost a person who may have thoughts of, or are in a suicidal situation.

About the Orange Button Community
By increasing the number of people across Herefordshire and Worcestershire who are signing up for schemes like the Orange Button one, people who have suicidal thoughts and friends/ families worried about someone will have someone to turn to and ask for help.
Anyone across Herefordshire and Worcestershire who has had at least 3 hours of suicide prevention training (or mental health training with suicide prevention content) over the past two years is being asked to consider becoming an Orange Button wearer.
If you want to find out more about the Orange Button Community Scheme, please click on the link below